David’s College Graduation Session

David’s college journey came to an end in a joyous celebration this past spring as he proudly graduated from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Thrilled to commemorate this milestone in his life, David reached out to me and asked if I could capture professional photographs of him during his visit for the graduation festivities. We discussed his vision for the session, and he decided to divide it between capturing the classic cap and gown photos and showcasing his unique style in a tailored blue suit. He even showed off the watch he bought himself as a graduation present.

The Perfect Maine Location

When it came to choosing the perfect location for his graduation session, David had a clear vision in mind. Instead of opting for something more edgy in a studio, he believed that a woodsy outdoor setting would truly reflect his personality. His decision resonated with me, as I too appreciate the natural beauty that outdoor settings can bring to a photo shoot… especially in the beautiful state of Maine! David mentioned that one of the reasons he selected me as his photographer was because he admired my expertise in lighting ideas and techniques, which he had grown to appreciate through his own passion for photography.

A New Chapter

Throughout the session, David’s infectious personality shone through. He was incredibly personable and radiated excitement as he shared his reflections on his college experience. David viewed graduation not just as a moment in time but as a stepping stone to something greater. He eagerly anticipated the next chapter of his life, one filled with travel, inspiration, and truly embracing all that the world has to offer. It was evident that David possessed a zest for life and an unwavering determination to make the most of every opportunity that came his way. As I captured his vibrant energy on camera, it became clear that David’s college graduation marked the beginning of an exciting new adventure for him.

David’s college graduation session was a wonderful experience filled with warmth, enthusiasm, and a sense of anticipation for the future. From his proud display of his cap and gown to his dapper appearance in the tailored blue suit, David truly showed a sense of accomplishment and style. I wish David the best in luck in his next adventure. Whatever he decides to pursue, I know he will do great things!

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